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Chicken Mimi the Chicken Mama

401 subscribers

About Chicken Mimi the Chicken Mama

Chicken Mimi shows you her children – 11 chickens, 6 pigs, 4 geese, 2 ducks, 2 sheep, 1 dog, 2 rabbits, 4 cats, 2 birds, and 2 nieces (monkeys) – and tells you about their day-to-day life on our little farm. Chicken Mimi is a true Chicken Whisper. She loves each bird and animal like a true mama and doctors them with infinite care when they are sick or injured. When there is predation she hates the hawk or coyote or raccoon or bobcat with a ferocious hatred – how dare they try and eat her children. Subscribe to experience the ups and downs in the life of Chicken Mimi, the Chicken Mama.

Love animals People and family and freinds

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