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GizziGekko (14+)

101 subscribers

About GizziGekko (14+)

The geck's here to bring you in with the mbti and football funni.

πŸƒ 17
πŸƒ XX Chromosomes ♀️
πŸƒ 6w7 sx/sp 693 RLUAI Sanguine-Melancholic
πŸƒ Lawful Neutral
πŸƒ Sensory Seeker!
πŸƒ Football Fangirl ⚽

πŸŒ€ This account may contain content not suitable for younger viewers (I cuss a lot, and jokes may not be understandable for some). Only older viewers, 14+ can watch my content.
πŸŒ€ I can be either be busy on important stuff, taking a break, or sleeping, so do not expect me to respond with your messages quickly all the time.

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