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About MAD-B✌👊

General SIM racing freak, Hip-Hop producer or try to be lol, But mainly using a YouTube channel to try help the mental health issues I suffer with, CPTSD along with anxiety and depression that prevents me from living what's known as the normal life, It's why I do YouTube videos or try as I got issues in going out down to the CPTSD, So I try to be creative in the hip hop production, And the odd Graffiti art, Also will be getting into SIM racing more, Just trying to get a PC together is a challenge in its self, I will sort it tho, I'm desperate to get onto iracing I knows I can compete with the pro's, I done the Nordsliefe in 6m 56s in a Ferrari fxxx thing, An that's on playstation.....
But yeah main jist of it is I'm using a YouTube channel to try help with my mental health, It's not too good at the moment, All I want is peace in my life so I can focus on what's important in life, I needs to heal a heart desease I suffer from could leave me extra sick, I must concentrate on health...

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