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Anthony Wilson

62 subscribers

About Anthony Wilson

I was born in Ukraine and started in gymnastics there by age 4 and did 14 years. I was adopted by an American couple and raised in very rural USA. Very recently I opened in a box of some childhood things my adoptive mom gave me when I graduated high school. It had some naturalization documents I didn't know I about. I was always told that I was born in October 2001 and was put in American school systems, got my driver's license, etc using 2001 as my birth year. I was smaller than other boys in classes. A defining moment in my life was getting badly beat up when I thought I was age 16. It seems I was only age 15. Dominoes are still falling as I recalibrate the events of my life at key ages and events. My adoptive mom has yet to tell me wtf happened. Learning this news is still sinking in. I'm age 21 not 22. I'm in construction and passionate about working out and core training. Email is [email protected]. Hit me up for anything. Please respect that I'm straight. Thanks!

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