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About lauren

Total truth of all we are- all that is- is a journey. The world needs healing in all forms- and it starts within. Nothing that is ever done, effects only oneself. We're all the one consciousness here to experience itself in a different way. The opportunity for healing and finding truth is always there for us to see. It’s a matter of waking up.
Alchemy and cause & effect is universal law. Throughout life, there is a daily battle with the body, mind, ego, emotions, physical and mental health; which all is rooted in fear. Peace is found in choosing our natural truth- unconditional love. Mistakes must be learned from to guide us closer to the inevitable and constantly denied truth that we are. It’s the decision that must be made to choose that perception.
When true healing is found, we open our hearts, and let go. It may then be easier to understand the unconditional love that we are and can truly BE peace. Only then, suffering forever comes to an end. As within, so without.

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