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Benjamin the Tortoise

6,360 subscribers

About Benjamin the Tortoise

Meet Benjamin!! Benji is a 14-year old African Sulcata tortoise with a funny, sweet personality.

This channel is simply good vibes and cute tortoise therapy. We hope the time you spend with Benji brings you joy and happiness in your day.

Much love,
Benjamin the Tortoise 🐒😊

Contact: [email protected]

Interested in a Sulcata tortoise? African Sulcata Tortoises are the 3rd largest tortoise species in the world! They're cute, yes... but a lot of work! They get quite large (90-150 lbs) and live 75+ years! We suggest that you research the basics of care and plan thoroughly: you'll need to equip yourself, environment, space, lifestyle, and legacy to provide the best quality of life and future for your new family member. Please adopt directly from a rescue organization or animal shelter if possible.

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