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NoTrueFlags Here

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About NoTrueFlags Here

I don't look like myself anymore, but this is how I looked when I did.

No more comments. Too many assholes and idiots. There's a handful of real people out there, I'm sure, and they can still watch.

Why do this anymore? I think I've found enough. The murder of JFK was carried out by Secret Service personnel, Central Intelligence Agency personnel, Dallas Police department personnel, Military Intelligence personnel, the Governor of Texas, the President's fake wife, and other individuals, many of whom probably didn't know that the project was meant to murder the president. Hoover and LBJ certainly knew about it in advance. Probably a CIA operation. Who else could organize it? Probably at least a few very rich guys, too. It's all in the videos if anybody cares. The world is run by evil people. It probably always has been and always will be. It's a little more complex than that, but it's all in the videos. And Lee Harvey Oswald. No heroes here. They murder the heroes.

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