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85 subscribers

About TheEvangelist'sWife

Howdy! Welcome to my world. Oops, that's a song, not a theme. Huh, well, I guess it is a good enough theme.

I'm an Apostolic Evangelist's wife and a traveler, in this line of work I better be. The Lord has us doing work for His kingdom all over the great country. While traveling I've found a few things to keep me busy (out of trouble) while the boss is driving. I thought I'd share them with you and further my staying out of trouble.

I want this channel to reflect the things of God in my life. Such as the things He has given me the ability to learn to do; like sew, crochet, take great pictures of people places and things, share life hacks. I'd like to teach someone else how to, or at least show them there is another way to do it. I also want people to enjoy my videos. Weeell except a few early videos at the beginning of this journey, that might be hard to 'enjoy', hopefully the rest of the videos will be funny and useful at the same time.

So, relax and praise the Lord with me.

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