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Información sobre vera747

I am forever an evolution in the ever expansive realm of knowledge,,,,for knowledge is not stagnate,,,putrid,,,out of date,,,but current,,,fluid and energetic,,,,I WILL BE DIFFERENT TOMORROW,,,,one will never be able to trace my thoughts, my beliefs, nor formula for i am the clay in motion being ever shaped and transformed by Greatness held in the hands of the All Creator who is and will forever be....My channel is in honor of the Creator and my evolution in the classroom of downloads and upgrades designed and fragmented for my edification,,,,this is my peace,,ever growing,,,changing and overstanding,,,,,tomorrow I WILL BE DIFFERENT,,,,for today i possess no wisdom awaiting the morning awakening of tomorrow with excitement and respect for the ever expansive classroom of the universe,,,,

I present my book, of my journey emerging finally in 2014,,,this is where I am today…

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