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My Happy Space

1,880 subscribers

About My Happy Space

Hello, welcome to My Happy Space. Here I share biblejournaling inspiration and some scrapbooking layouts. I hope to inspire you to just give it a go. You can do this!!!

My name is Sonja Mizen and I live in beautiful Cape Town, South Africa. I am married to a lovely gentleman at heart from England.
I have two kids. A daughter of 16; and a son of 14. I love the Lord with all my heart and am so thankful for the cross and forgiveness of Jesus Christ. I started biblejournaling and Scrapbooking about 6 months ago. I just love it.

My main reason for starting this You Tube channel is to share my work with like minded people who will appreciate it, and also to prove to myself that I have enough technical skills to set up and manage a YouTube channel all by myself ;) I did it!!! Thanks to the help of many other You Tubers, who were so kind to share all their tips and ways. Lovely to be part of this community. Hope to see you around.

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