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Adolf Auschwitz

16 subscribers

About Adolf Auschwitz

I'm just a white guy that lives in Las Vegas that enjoys ranting in videos about stuff in the world that upsets me, hoping something i may say from time to time somebody else also feels the same/agrees with me so i can see that not everyone on our planet has lost their minds. I have lost most of my faith in humanity... I'm hoping maybe myself and a huge group of like minded individuals can come together and attempt to make a actual meaningful positive change in the world in which we live in and that we will leave to our children. We (meaning white folk) need to start cleaning up the trash in our communities, helping our elderly for free, raise our children to never hate themselves and be proud of who their ancestors are no matter what the rest of world tries to say about us. White folk need to stop taking all the bullshit in todays toxic society towards us. It is ok to be white, it is ok to be proud of being white. Our children need us now so they can be safe in their futures...

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