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Microbe Studios

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About Microbe Studios

An old but nonetheless honorable series created by the same creator of googled globe. It's up to you whether you consider microbe studs funny or stupid, but it is intended as a comedy. For all I know, I don't intend to make it funny, I just put all my effort into the scripting and voice acting and sound effects like I do for all of my movies, even though it may look like I don't at times. Microbe Studios was initially created at the start of quarantine because I wanted a way to keep you all happy and smiling at something silly, and that is what I hope microbe studios conveys to you. It certainly isn't the best thing I created, but I am not trying to make it the best, I am one again earnestly trying to make something that will help you crack a grin in these tough times. Stay tuned each Wednesday for a new original skit by the Giant Microbes studio, but only if you can tolerate the silliness. Chow!

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