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Den of Lore

2,560 subscribers

About Den of Lore

Featuring discussion with various guests talking about Science, Technology, Philosophy, History, Popular/Ancient Culture. Our mission to “Learn Some Cool Sh*t” - or, gain fresh perspectives on subjects close to their hearts. Sometimes (responsibly) scotch-fueled, and always with a touch of humour.

This show is about the why people do what they do as much as the how or the results of their work. Why do people become passionate about their vocation. What is it that drives them or inspires them. What has been their lessons learned from overcoming their obstacles.

The Cool Sh*t are the things we learn along the way.


I am making a commitment to providing a space that is free from drama, politics, and conspiracy theories. I believe that the world is complex enough without adding more drama and division into the mix, and I hope that this podcast can be a space of refuge and positivity for all of us.

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