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Randy Burnett

73 subscribers

About Randy Burnett

Its my birthday and I will never forget
This wonderful garden of friends
that were sowed so tightly together
Though we may have scattered
like Dandyloins seeds on the wind
I know we are all reaching for the light
And enriching where we landed
The year is 2003ish I edited the video in 2004
Made the beginning of the song on the couch with Jason White at Linkwood
Worked for months on it and handed it to Mikey Johnson who did the end break down
Pete Machnik made the long exposure Photos I used for the video with this new thing called" "a digital camera" I had been "Spinning Fire"
For a couple years by then
Pete also supplied the Apple II screen shots used
A friend had his
yearly Halloween Party
he sent years holding down a place for fun
Thank you again for being
a solice for beautiful choas
It is a difficult Alchemy

These memories maintain me
The remind me that there is good in this world

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