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About SouthwesternEagle

Howdy! I'm rancher and a Harley biker, a sci-fi/spiritual writer, a vintage electronics enthusiast, and many other things. Stay tuned!

I'm a HUGE fan of Wings of Fire, Spyro the Dragon, Dragon Tales, Adventures from the Book of Virtues, and MLP. I also love Star Trek: TNG, DS9 and Voyager. All of those have one central theme: Morality.

If it seems impossible for my personal interests to coexist, then you don't know just how strange I am. :)

I'm here to provide content such as vlogs, avian art, motorcycle and horseback adventures, reviews, promote good causes and boost morale. Expect G and PG-rated content on this channel, because this channel is for all ages.
PG-13 graphic content, such as Wings of Fire and its related material, will be marked as (GRAPHIC).

This channel was created the day before my 18th birthday.

Contact Info:
Cell number: 1-867-877-1188
Gmail: Same as username

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