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Tőkés Péter

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About Tőkés Péter


Youtube is my second home where i observe the world. I used to be a super villain but i gave up my evil plans so i can have a normal job and an uneventful life.
My main goal in life is finding peace while simultaneously being a troll on the internet and share a good laugh with others, waiting for the next scientific breakthrough what will change life as we know it.
Anyway, if you ended up here reading this you must be really interested so go ahead, check my uploads, my taste of music and take your time, no hurry.
If you can and you dont mind, i accept donations, you can make me happy with any amount : )

"I stop fighting my inner demons. We're on the same side now."

"Perfect unity of magic and sience = i keep making blood sacrifice for Elon Musk"

"Try not to become a man of success but a man of value."

"Life is about enjoying it"

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