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About 7gamex


Q. What's your upload schedule?
A. Monday, Wednesday and Friday will be Pokemon White with Tuesday and Thursday being Black. I'll be doing 5 videos a day for them. This will get the LPs uploaded faster.

Q. Can I add you as a friend?
A. When it comes to Steam and Xbox LIVE, send me a PM asking and I'll PM you the name to add. If you add me out of the blue, it will only piss me off. As for YouTube, don't add me as a friend here. I don't accept them.

Q. Sub 4 Sub?
A. Never. Sub 4 Sub eliminates the reason for subscribing.

Q. First!(?)
A. Do NOT make a comment on any videos on my channel saying "first". Whatever dumbfuck decided that was "cool" or "funny" is currently dead probably due to accidently shooting himself. I am perfectly fine with BLOCKING people who comment "first".

Q. How do you record your stuff?
A. For most games, I use Fraps. For things like Pokemon Black/White, which uses an emulator, I use Camtasia Recorder. For my 360, I have a shitty recorder thing.

Q. Will you play [insert game title here]?
A. Depends on what kind of game it is and if I am willing to spend time getting it. As of right now ( May 27, 2011), I have multiple games I have stockpiled to LP.

Q. Can I buy you this game?
A. Accepting gifts is awkward for me, but if you want me to LP a game so badly that you gift it to me on Steam, I HAVE to accept. Steam doesn't let you NOT accept gifts yet. Not that I am aware of.

Q: So and so uploads in HD, why don't you?

A: Recording in HD alone takes up a lot of space. At least 5 times the space. Rendering it takes waaaay longer (10x), uploading it is a bigger bitch. 10 minute video for me is probably 50mb. 10 minute HD is probably 500mb. Not worth it with my internet and computer.

If you have anymore questions, feel free to PM me with them. I've tried to answer most thigns that ever pop up for an LPer.

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