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Dave Palmer

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About Dave Palmer


Names Dave, I live in the UK about 25 miles from London aaaaand I'm not sure what else to write here...

Basically, I'm a tower crane operator by day but I love creating video of all types by night / in my spare time. Sadly I have no formal education when it comes to video editing soooo I doubt I'd be top of any video production company's employable list... BUT! that doesn't matter, because now I have YouTube.

I've been lurking around YouTube and different creators content for years but have avoided starting my own channel because I was scared of what people would think... Well now I've decided that that's no reason to stop myself from doing something I love, SO! here I am... creating my own videos that hopefully people will enjoy. If not... well atleast it keeps me editing constantly and improving my skills!

Few facts:
Mega fanboy of Casey Neistat, I love dogs - mine especially (Big Red), I'm an Arsenal fan and errrmmmmmmm, I'm running out of characters so I'll leave it ther

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