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LB Rambo 562

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About LB Rambo 562

From Long Beach CA ,
I’ve lived in California most my life but traveled the world while I was in the Army ,I’ve been to Georgia ,Colorado,Florida,Louisiana,Texas ,Ireland,Japan and Baghdad Iraq(where I had a 15 month long stay)
I was stationed in south-east Baghdad al doura province ,I’ve lost many battle buddies there ,my days were there were filled with kicking in doors ,street shoot outs but the IEDS and EFPs were the WORSE ,I had several close calls with both and eventually got my Purple Heart from the last one.Being infantry we didn’t have the luxury of living on post (COP)
we were arresting Al Qaeda in 122 f weather peeing in Gatorade bottles in order not to get sniped.
Like everyone else in trying to get the most out of life ,
If Love PT ,
My MOS was 11bravo & Im also web content creator and currently building a veteran social site for all our battle brothers and sisters around the 🌍
I’m a Republican ,like elephants gentile and majestic but angry and unstoppable when provoked

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