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Chessie System

352 subscribers

About Chessie System

Hey there!
If you are the type of person who enjoys train videos (Or as I say, rail fanning), random videos of things, a very wacky upload schedule and stuff like that, you found the right channel!
Videos ranging from younger me filming trains (with a very annoying, high-pitched voice) to dog and cat videos.
Just keep in mind, most, if not all, of my videos are completely unedited or have so little editing that it is hard to even notice the edits. (Contrast, Black Point, etc. I hardly do that though.)

Uploads are on a schedule (Unlike the first year and a half of this channel…)

Every Friday at 9:15 AM PST

Anyways, have a good day, night, afternoon or whatever time it is. Goodbye!

Quick reminder: I do NOT accept the “Sub for sub” thing. I don’t subscribe to someone else for a single subscriber.
REASON: My subscription tab is way too crowded already, and I don’t want “dead” subscribers.

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