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2,160 subscribers

About DerivedWhale45

Hi my name's Jon i have austim n I enjoy playing video games for fun n being a comedian while playing games like Call of Duty, Battlefield, Destiny, and whatever games u guys wanna see n enjoy with walkthroughs n for fun my twitch name is DerivedWhale45 (same as my YT channel) so subscribe there if u want or subscribe here your choice I also enjoy good music so u might hear some of it in my videos (only in the background due to copyrighted material issues) or live events on twitch I take request for songs even animes 2 feature in my videos I'm not doing this for the money I'm doing it cause if a guy with austim can be a YouTube star then anyone can u gotta work for it wish me n hit the like n subscribe button ;)

-Videos starts uploading 5 days a week

-Mon-Fri Hangout with a talkin whale episode (Gaming News) between 7:00PM-10:00PM

Twitch: DerivedWhale45

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