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riz sel

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About riz sel

I consider myself as "jack of all trades". No not 'master of none". I am a very handy person with just about anything, from being tech savvy, construction knowledge, and even a leader, since I am responsible for hundreds of employees at the company I work for. At current role at the company I also oversee different areas such as tech, infrastructure, construction, day to day operations, etc. I am contribute my knowledge thanks to being "a hands on" guy my entire life.
My aim for this channel is to also produce videos from different areas of life, that will serve as quick and to the point, tutorials. The aim is to get to my videos and not spend too much time on details that are irrelevant. My videos will always show the main points on how to solve a problem on that specific area that video is produced for. Please keep in mind that I am not producing certified videos on any of those fields - just my point of view on what has worked for me.

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