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Connie from UP north

322 subscribers

About Connie from UP north

Aniin! My name is Connie Linn. I began this channel to teach and make awareness. I like to unbox products I receive and give a truthful review. I love to take you to beautiful locations in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, where I live. Yes I am a Yooper! I look forward to bringing you along to hidden jewels of places only a few know exist, as well as,the beautiful parks. I also like to share some of my favorite recipes Please join my friends and family and I as we do as the Yoopers do. Plus! We have bingo! Kyle and I also create native jewelry as we are members of tha Sault Ste. Marie tribe of Chippewa Indians. We show you what we do and hope to teach you a bit about our wonderful culture.

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