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Micro Focus Study Circle

4,760 subscribers

About Micro Focus Study Circle

"Just, and Honest efforts, No false promises"
Our vision - 'truth and trust' ,
Our mission - to help aspirants of civil services examinations, either conducted by UPSC, or other state public service commissions, specially catering to the students of MPPSC state service exams;
With higher quality and quantity of the study material, and regular tests ; constantly improvised to help boost your self confidence. and trying to make learning easy.

Incidentally, we were the first to switch over to online on youtube platform for our MPPSC-2019 students, during first pandemic lockdown. This is our resolve to help you wherever, we can, in measures we can. This gave us thousands of live streams in our library which are NOW AVAILABLE to watch at your convenience, at your pace through youtube membership plans starting from Rs. 59/- to support us, 1599/- Rs plan for MPPSC Prelims and 1999/- plan for MPPSC Pre and Mains.
Join us either Online or Offline

SMS or Whatsapp message +91 89 595 535 00

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