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If you would like to learn about the migratory habits of the African Bull Elephant... this YouTube page probably won't help you whatsoever. But if you love cartoons, video games, comics, superheroes, and all sorts of gloriously geeky things, you've come to the right YouTube page.

This page is home to "For the Love of All that is Good..", a web series that explores your favorite cartoons, games, characters and more to see why they're so awesome (or not-so-awesome). It happens to be created by the same amazing, talented, humble artist who brought you the webcomic "The Heroes of C.R.A.S.H.", which you surely have read by now (If you're are among the unfortunate souls who haven't, I'd recommend going over to right now!).

So sit back, relax, and enjoy some geeky goodness. Unless you're really, really dying to know about African Bull Elephants. Then I'd search elsewhere.

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