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223 subscribers

About Jaycubes

Hi, I'm Jaylen Daley. I like dancing, coding, music, and cubing!
I have been cubing since June 2018.

AVGs and Goals
2x2 - 4 (-2)
3x3 - 12 (-8)
4x4 - sub 1 (-35)
5x5 - 2:00 (-50)
6x6 - 5:00 (-1:40)
7x7 - 8:00 (-3:00)
Skewb - 7 (-3)
Pyra - 7 (-5)
Square-1 - 35 (-20)
Mega - 2:30-3:00 (-1:30)
Clock - sub 20 (-10)

Cubing Goals
Go to Nats - Done
Win a comp (in 2x2, 3x3, or Skewb)
Become bronze member of the WCA
Start cubing club

I may also do gameplays, comp vlogs, unboxings and more on this channel. If you want me to do that, show some support and subscribe!

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