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Surbhi global naitik shiksha

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Información sobre Surbhi global naitik shiksha

It is a well known fact that there has been a decline in human values during the last few decades. Indeed, there has been an increase in the number of people securing higher education, however our society and especially younger generation are becoming poorer by each day when it comes to culture, civility, good manners and moral values.

Our education system is also silent towards the character building process of children and the youth. The news of children committing suicides and getting involved

in serious crimes force us to ponder over the direction in which we are heading towards. What we need today is understanding of our responsibility towards addressing the problems being faced by our children and the young generation and their requirement of meaningful education.

Many institutions are doing noteworthy work in the field of culture. Global Naitik Shiksha Kendra resolves to adopt the philosophy of saints, learned men so that our educational world gets be

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