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Información sobre Deniman

Dejan Davcevski is an International Marketing Manager. Despite his title, his true passion is Producing and Editing Movies, as well as writing and sharing The Code Of Life he has discovered, the way of living that brings happiness and success.

"It is a lesson life has taught me and a lesson I must share." - he says. Now, he is the author of more than 5 books and a website [ ] that shifts The Paradigm creating a mindset of happiness, prosperity and success.

He is devoted in understanding the psychology of every problem and connecting with the inner self of humans to be more effective in helping them. He approaches in a unique way, from psychological and scientific point of view to philosophical and spiritual.

We all have 1 thing in common. We all want Happiness. But, what we don't realize is that true happiness does not depend on anything around us, it comes from the inside, from our mind.

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