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Doran Vee

181 subscribers

About Doran Vee

I rededicated my life to Christ, in June of 2022. Best decision Ive made in 32 years!

I love my wife. She is the most amazing person - smart, passionate, stubborn, caring, thoughtful, hard headed at times, most loving person. She keeps me balanced, on track, centered, sane, alive. Life without her is death.

Live and let live philosophy. However, if I see you headed for a cliff, or hurt someone else, I'm going to stop you!

Freedom loving Constitutionalist.
Believe in truth and justice
Believe in 2nd chances

*Not thrilled about interfering, controlling, governmental agencies.

Believe in 2nd amendment but don't own guns.
Conservative Values.
Jack of all trades.
Love classic cars and trucks.

I will protect your right to your view, even when it's born out of stupidity.

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