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About 5eraphim

Oh, hello!

...why are you here? Not that I'm complaining.
Sometimes I wonder what the point of existence is. Then I remember that it's the events during the journey and the people you meet throughout it what make it worth going through.
(A few things about me. Just because.)

I'm Mexican. Proud of it, within reason.

Into different genres of music, but Metallica is carved into my heart.

Dunlop Jazz-III picks are misunderstood.

Frustration is having to hold backspace for a solid minute.

Can't draw for shit... but I'll keep trying until I can draw my OCs to perfection.

Tomboys, tomgirls... *takes drag off cigar* What's the difference?

Nostalgic for late-2000s/early-2010s internet culture. Old Blingee gifs are a vibe.

I like to sit alone in empty rooms and stare at the ceiling.
I bet you can't add me on Discord: sierra_delta_three

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