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Patrick Jnr. Tobo

4,990 subscribers

About Patrick Jnr. Tobo

Junior staff, works at Papua New Guinea University of Natural Resources & Environment_ Farm Operations

Channel Disclaimer:
I upload any video that I wish to capture or shoot, but not the bad one you may imagine in ur mind"

Personal Life detail:
I'm Scared of getting affected by the wrath or curse of The Living God towards me and my family blood that's why I always live Friendly environment with good understnding, good breath/Mouth & good heart; No jealousy and foolishness act or dids or saying to any man or women now a days. Everyday I fight so hard spiritually to myself just to avoid all shits and live acceptable environment. Because I am sure I can't expect some1 or God to bring change to my life or to My country, it's my responsibility to change myself first then allow God to do the rest. Simple as that as you too" "To make this world 🌎 a better place for you & me, everyone and generations yet to come.

Mind set right!πŸ€«πŸ’Œ

#Single dude.

Happy 2024 and onwards

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