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In this humorous display, a man is depicted opening a package of mints, and his peers nearby become immediately eager to partake in the consumption of the mint flavored treats, shortened to "mints," each stating, "Let me get one." This theme is reinforced by including a canine, which would regularly be incapable of fathoming the concept of an acquaintance sharing his mints, and to add on the typical dog, would have no clue what a mint is, in an attempt to indulge in the consumption of the Icebreakers Coolmint candy. This is hilariously outlined by one of the acquaintances' reaction as to add to the conversation, "What's the dog doing here?" in the typical African American vernacular manner as to emphasize comedic value. This is, in my opinion, a very hilarious clip, and it is my belief that it was added to the Hilarious Vines in the Hood Compilation of 2014 (Try Not to Laugh) due to its spectacular display on a highly relatable subject with a humorous twist in the form of a "Vine."

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