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Prana Viking

110 subscribers

About Prana Viking

My name is Martin, I’m 40 years old, from Belgium.
I’ve created this channel for those who are interested to follow me on my path towards becoming a Human being. I've struggled hard in life and wrestled with addictions of every kind.
I've been an explorer of the conscious and the unconscious, the mind and the heart. On this path of exploration for 25 years I've dug deep into the relationship with myself and others.
By doing the works I was able to heal most trauma within myself and get to a point of living, not surviving.
I'll share my experiences of life and emotions by just being authentic. I'll be doing projects that will test me. I'll go with a full f*ck yes for life and share the ups and downs.
I'm happy to create a channel and expose myself to the raw core of what a person can be on this path we call life. I hope to touch some souls that are looking for the light in life and within themselves.
That the light within me and others may guide you on your path .
Namaste Martin

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