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The Electronic Dilettante

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The Electronic Dilettante の説明

Hi , my name is Jason. Im a 48 year old closet nerd and tech enthusiast. I’m fairly new to YouTube as a viewer and a complete novice when it comes to content submission .
I recently decided to go back to school(yet again) to pursue a Bachelor degree in Electrical/ Computer Engineering. My plan is to post videos chronicling my quest towards an EE degree. Topics like SDR, Sat Com, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Automotive/Motorcycle topics (by request only) and whatever else may seem like a good idea at the time

I’ll try to keep it light and stay off my soapbox. I will post the premiere video in the very near future (as soon as I settle on the topic), and just as soon as I finish putting together the last little bits of hardware as well as finding the nerve to address potentially tens of people
Jason Burchell

Contact me for product reviews or any other business
[email protected]

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