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49 subscribers

About BipolarBLKSheep

Hello! I'm BipolarBLKSheep! Thanks for checking out my channel! I'm just a guy who is indeed a bipolar black sheep, in that I suffer from quite a few mental health disorders (bipolar being one of them) and have never really fit in with any one specific group. However, I'm just a guy that likes to play single player and multiplayer games, while also trying to teach myself how to edit videos as a creative outlet (since my therapist says I need one). ;)

I hope you enjoy my content, stick around, and see my channel as a place where you can relax, laugh, and enjoy some good ol' gaming content... and whatever else I end up posting...

Take care!

P.S. You're not alone in your mental struggles. You're important and you matter. Its a constant battle and we have to use what's available to us to come out on top. Please seek out help, even if you don't think you need it or are embarrassed to ask. I was, but once I finally did, I only wish I had done it sooner! Stay strong!


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