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118 subscribers

About steeledminer616

I upload videos of my completed levels as I build them.

Let's Plays Planned:
* = Currently happening

I may make SMW Romhack LP's. Just send me one and I will (May not be immediate, just note).
1. No Kaizo
2. No REQUIRED: Wall Jump, P-Switch Jump, 3 Space gap jump (3 spaces high), in short nothing Kaizo-like - Shell Jumping, but no Double Shell Jump.
3. Fun. It should not be run done run done, like Super Mario Nameless (I8Strudel's Channel)
If it breaks a rule while I am LP'ing it then I WILL stop playing immediatly.

NOTE: Some of these levels I have uploaded are outdated (ex. changed since uploaded). I may upload these updated levels sometime.

Also: If you are interested in Yu-Gi-Oh check out "TheXtruenorthX"'s channel (he is in my friends, Ultimate Offering)

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