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c a m i `

1,230 subscribers

About c a m i `

Hey, if you're here to hate,, leave. Just leave. Leave me tf alone, I do not care if it is your "opinion" or some shit, sometimes you should keep opinions to yourself +you might get hate if you do that, I honestly do not care if you hate on me/my videos, as long as you aren't being mean or anything to me.
Hate like these : " , this is so cringe " "wtf is this " "loser"
Are the things I don't like. This is what I prefer to do if you don't like my content, " hey, I'm not trying to be mean or anything but can you change ___" -
" I'm not comfortable with this, can you please put a warning at the start?" If you do not like my content or some shit, ask nicely if you want me to remove it. I'll understand you if you explain what u don't like to me nicely. I repeat, do not send hate to me. Alright, thank you for reading this. Have a good day/night, I love you all!

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