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Child Academy Programmes

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Información sobre Child Academy Programmes

Child Academy Programme is an independent school located in the township of Tembisa, east of Johannesburg, SA.

Child Academy Programmes has in the past years gone from being just a community creche and has to date grown to becoming a primary school and now a junior high school with Grade 8 and 9 being recently added and we hoping that in the next 2 to 3 years will be able to add grades 10, 11 and 12. Sadly with major growth comes even more resources that include high expenses and costs.

Child Academy teachers are driven and make it their duty to educate these children, but the lack of resources, information and funds make it difficult for their vision to be reached. There are +/- 2000 children attending this institute but unfortunately there are less then a quarter of the students parents/guardians that are able to pay the full amount for school fees.

We at CAP do not believe in denying any child education, but the standard of education drops when resources are few.

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