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9,480 subscribers

About Artimal

🤪YOOOO! Click here if you’re cool!👇🏻🔥🤑

🌈✨Hi there! I’m Daniel and I make entertaining videos about art and animals….🐶😻

This is because I believe it’s fun and interesting, but also because you can learn something new!

I ALMOST ALWAYS POST AT 7:00PM CST, but sometimes also earlier, depending on times when I’m not busy.

I love ART in all forms (including stop motion animation) and I also really like animals🐶🦊! If you subscribe you are the best and I am super grateful!!😁😆

I want to get either 10 million shorts views or 4000 hours of watch time so I can get monetized and so I can help my family with money. So every view and subscribe counts😄Thank you!!❤️You are amazing!❤️

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