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Heather H.

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Información sobre Heather H.

Hi everyone and thanks for taking the time to be here. I am a level 3 Reiki Master, Sensitive/Empath. Which means I learned Reiki to channel energy from our Source of creation I like to call him God! I am a almost 6 year Breast cancer survivor after my journey with that, the times that was healing from surgeries I realized what my divine purpose is here on earth and that is to help heal myself and others. Being a sensitive/empath which means I can feel others emotions, energy and vibrations This modality of healing does not replace your need for a medical doctor, this is a compliment to it. If you think something is wrong or don't feel well go to a doctor! Reiki and all the help of my wonderful doctors and nurses have helped me be here today. For today is our life, this moment we can heal together. Will be posting videos soon on mindfulness, meditation techniques and much more! I also have bipolar 1 & BPD. Healing is key.

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