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About SkyeRangerNick

Hey people, SkyeRangerNick coming at you live from KY-USA through the power of the Internet. This is my YouTube channel. Please subscribe. Thank you.

Rules of Aspiration

001 ~ Start with who you are and what you have.
002 ~ Keep moving forward.
003 ~ Anything is possible.

I use a variety of NASA images in my blogs and channels. I am a deep fan of NASA, other space agencies, and space exploration. Perhaps in my next life I will be an astronaut of sorts. Meanwhile, remember we all have the opportunity to touch the stars.

Keywords: Art Artist Writer YouTube Pagan Buddhist Druid Native Spirituality Gay LGBT GLBT Indigenous OBE Lucid Dreams Wyoming Denmark Technology Education World Global Children Fairness Civil Rights Grace Compassion Space Explore NASA UFO Extraterrestrial SkyeRanger SkyeRangerNick KY-USA KYUSA Reality

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