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About RichardRoy2

Many thanks to the efforts of the community in fighting the attacks.

I like... humour. I also like serious. So if I come across serious humour, I'm in heaven... even though I'm an atheist. I'm sure the theists will get a laugh out of that, but I'm not opposed to offering humour to them as well. After all, their creator's creators knew how to create a humourous mythology. In fairness, there is a commonality in that both are living beings who make choices about their existence and world view.

Movies With: Morgan Freeman, Jodie Foster, Spencer Tracey, Katherine Hepburn, Cary Grant

Movies: Judgment at Nuremburg, The Philadelphia Story, Guess Who's Coming To Dinner, Inherit The Wind (Spencer Tracey version), Contact, Silence Of The Lambs, Million Dollar Baby, Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, Kung Fu Panda, Appaloosa, Dances With Wolves, The Professional, The Mighty, The Iron Giant, Finding Nemo, Madagascar

Shows: Dead Like Me, House, Dexter, Star Trek (DS9/TNG)

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