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About CoolMusicToMyEars

British English man born in UK, taking many thousands of pictures when I go to many places around the world, China, South Korea, Vancouver BC, Whistler, Niagara Falls, Montreal, Quebec, Toronto, Canada, Switzerland, Germany, Holland, France, Belgium, Greece, Italy, Europe, USA, Saudi Arabia, etc, Love Chinese, Korean and Thai food, mainly vegetarian food, love chatting about culture, history and places to visit, I like making good friends, I looking to the future going totally off grid green energy, looking to buy a plot of land in a very beautiful setting away from the busy city, live totally off the land, and to build a dream home, watch the Sun rise and set behind the mountains, whilst listening to beautiful music that calms the inner soul, looking for unmatched inner peace, and a very long and happy life, I like Cats & movies China & South Korea.

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