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Prophetic End Times

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About Prophetic End Times

Christian channel
About this channel

I am a greatful Servant* (serving others) of the Most High Living God! Called & Ordained by Him (Jeremiah 1.) A Licensed Minister Set as a Watchmen on the Wall "WOTW" (Ezekiel 33.) Happily Married for 14 years & currently living the best & most exciting life! The changed woman I have become is my Testimony to the entire world; that the Redeeming POWER and Mercy of Jesus Christ is real! The lord met me one day in front of my house at a day and hour I did not expect and my life has never been the same since! If you don't know Jesus ask him to reveal himself to you, and be ready for as a hour you think not he will appear! Jesus is REAL!!!
Get with him today and learn and experience the real life~LIFE IN JESUS IS AWESOME!

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