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About Cotictimmy

I am a Camera Contrarian!!!

Hello, I'm Tim (amateur U.K. STILLS portrait shooter & fan of good old Nikon DSLRs.) I'm HIGHLY sceptical about the desperate rush to dump our DSLRs,& rush to buy the latest, super expensive high-tech cameras. I'm a natural contrarian' - if I see some YouTuber with fancy production values, delivering slick advertising spiel, praising up some super expensive new wonder toy, & begging me to 'Like' and 'Subscribe', then my hackles are raised & I'm walking away.
The good old DSLRs work just fine for most photography (certainly for shooting portraits & landscapes.)
Get yourself a top quality used Pro DSLR for peanuts: they are tough, durable, thoroughly tried & tested (& once hugely expensive.) For the last 15+ years, Full Frame pro DSLRs have produced much outstanding work from the worlds top photographers.

Don't kid yourself. Replacing your current camera with some fancy new high tech wonder isn't gonna make you Steve McCurry or Annie Liebowitz.

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