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Living with stage four Prostate Cancer

964 subscribers

About Living with stage four Prostate Cancer

Hi, my name is Woody, on Sept 15th 2021 I was given the news that I have Advanced Metastatic Prostate Cancer, words that no man wishes to hear,
At first I was completely lost and frightened without really knowing who to turn to.
These videos are my experience of living with Prostate Cancer. Of undergoing radiotherapy , hormone therapy and all the the strange side effects that go with it and the never ending hope that the incurable becomes curable.
The aim of this channel is hopefully to help people who are coming to terms with their own experiences of cancer.
If you like the videos feel free to subscribe to my channel and come and join me on this journey , where it goes is not written. I promise you it will be honest and as positive as I can make it.

Woody ❤️

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