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Corrienne Wynne Strong

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About Corrienne Wynne Strong

My recordings are mostly raw and singing into my phone..after composing them on a dictaphone.
Health issues keep me from spending lots of time here..visual problems and breathing problems etc boring stuff to mention but
I will try to keep up with friends still to the best of my ability..
I originally created this channel to upload stuff regarding my home life and my art ..but I picked up a guitar for stimulation due to my vision deteriorating in my fifties and never looked back..
Bless everyone who uses you're doing something for you and no other person can condemn you for that ..X

I greatly welcome hearing from others who also suffer from pulmonary fibrosis.
or cystic fibrosis ,COPD (bronchial /emphysema) or any form of breathing restriction 💗

Lots of love to you xx
I adore listening to you and will always share my support x

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