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Niebieskie Pudlo

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About Niebieskie Pudlo

Welcome, person (or an alien or A.I. when you finally take over)! I hope you will find something to laugh at, ponder or ignore here. I hope I keep going with this channel when we are all old and wrinkled and Youtube has been taken over by space monkeys reacting to cat videos reacting to you laugh = you lose challenges.

So put on your wellies, grab a cup of tea (or something stronger) and let's take a stroll...

P.S. If you are me in the future visiting this channel, then hello to me too. This is the closest you will ever get to time travel. Also, don't you dare regret that tattoo you are about to get. I am really excited about it.

P.S.2. It's me in the future. Not regretting the tattoo yet, but could have done without bleaching my hair. If you are me from the further future, I hope you have learnt a valuable lesson. Good luck with the videos, and stay awesome.

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