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Lori McNamara

8 subscriptores
0 visualizaciones

Información sobre Lori McNamara

Being mistreated by family or coworkers becomes significantly more damaging when the majority of one's interactions turn negative, and positive supports dry up to almost non-existent. On the eve of my 53rd birthday I invite you along on a healing journey…

Why brand my YouTube channel with a controversial-sounding name? Many people think that based on how I appear to the outside world - as a "pretty white lady" - that according to media and societal standards, I must “have it all.” Surely, I must be living the life of the "pretty white lady" they see on TV: gorgeous husband, perfect children, white picket fence, great career, few, if any, problems...

I have been facing near insurmountable hurdles, alone, for as long as I can remember. But this has made me one of the most resilient people I've never met (see Playlist: “I Still Don’t Know What You Look Like”). As you will find by watching, our judgments based on appearance can be dead wrong, even when it comes to a "pretty white lady."

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