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Sammie-Lou 💕 Miss Uk

13 subscribers

About Sammie-Lou 💕 Miss Uk

Hi. I’m Sam

I’m 38yr old female who has EDS, ME, Fibro, Scoliosis, server depression n anxiety. I’m also a Cervical Cancer Warrior. Life mayb extremely hard but I do the best I can 2 get thro each day without cryin my eyes out n wit a smile.

In a normal 24 hour day I tend 2 sleep between 6-16 hrs because of my ME n Fibro. The other 8 is spent doin activities like colourin, writin poetry n watchin YouTube.

My EDS causes a lot of my joints 2 either sub-lax or dislocate on a regular basis every day (anywhere between 1 n 15 (15 has been the maximum in on day so far) of them). I will put around 85-90% of those bac myself (because I spend enough time in hospital wen I’m admitted as it is n they can’t keep a bed free permanently just for me to b in n out wit them each day lol) but there r some that I have 2 get help for.

I’ve been cancer free since March 2017….

Stay strong guys. Life is what u make of it so enjoy it while u can before it’s 2 late. U will only regret not doin so!! xx

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